

changeorganizational change, worker resistance, change


 The continuous dynamic structure of change is an action that cannot be stopped or even slowed down. Organizations must keep up with change by constantly questioning their internal and external structures. When organizations take part in the change, they will have the power to continue their existence. In this study, it is tried to explain how to adapt to change by examining the attitudes of employees towards change and the necessity of change for organizations. The resistance to change and perceptions of change of employees in the banking sector, which is one of the sectors that need to keep up with the change due to the Covid 19 epidemic that caused the pandemic, are examined. The research was carried out with 15 people operating in different cities and different banks by adopting the qualitative research technique and using a semi-structured interview form consisting of 9 questions as a data collection tool. In the research, it was concluded that change is necessary for the institution. It turns out that 20% of them are resistant to change, their skills to cope with change are weak and their threshold levels for change are low. Although it is believed that change is necessary, it is seen that change is always an action that is resisted and faced with prejudice.

The study was conducted for the perceptions of change of banking sector employees during the Covid 19 pandemic and is expected to shed light on the research to be carried out in different sectors.

Keywords: Change, Organizational Change, worker resistance



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How to Cite

SARI, Özge, & YILDIZ, E. . (2022). A RESEARCH ON EMPLOYEES’ PERCEPTIONS OF CHANGE IN THE COVID 19 PROCESS: AN APPLICATION IN THE BANKING SECTOR. Journal of Organizational Behavior Studies, 2(2), 98–109. Retrieved from https://obstudies.org/index.php/obs/article/view/15
Received 2022-10-31
Accepted 2022-12-20
Published 2022-12-31