Rumination, ruminative thinking, chewingAbstract
The fact that individuals operating in business life have an open mind is an important determinant of success at the individual, group, and organizational levels. The concept of rumination, with a general approach, means that the mind is constantly busy with repetitive thoughts. The preoccupation of the mind and negative mood created by thinking over and over again affect the perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors. An important point has been reached in the international literature on the subject of rumination, which also occurs in organizations due to its frequent occurrence on individuals. However, it doesn’t seem possible to make the same determination for Turkish national literature yet. The aim of this study is to discuss the concept of rumination in the context of Turkish national literature. For this purpose, national and international literature on rumination was examined by using the literature review method in the related study. In the study, first of all, the conceptual definition of rumination is discussed. Then, theories covering the concept of rumination are explained. Afterward, information about the measurement tools of rumination is given. In addition, some antecedents and consequences of rumination in the current literature have been reported. Finally, suggestions were made to managers and employees within the scope of the rumination. In addition, model suggestions are presented for further research to be conducted on rumination.
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Accepted 2022-06-17
Published 2022-06-29