manager support, co-worker support, organizational commitment, affective commitment, normative commitment, continuance commitmentAbstract
Organizational commitment is a concept related to employees' positive attitudes towards the organization and their readiness to make sacrifices for the organization. The manager's support refers to respecting and valuing the employee in an environment where there is a positive business relationship between the manager and the employees. Co-workers support, on the other hand, refers to a concept where employees are at the same hierarchical level within the organization and include positive feelings such as helpfulness, guidance and friendship among individuals doing similar or same jobs. This study aims to determine the level of managerial and co-worker support of employees working in healthcare settings and the effect of these variables on organizational commitment. The population of the study consists of 363 health workers working in Sakarya Provincial Health Directorate. The sample of the study consisted of 291 health workers who voluntarily participated in the research although it is aimed to reach all population. A questionnaire, consisting of four parts, was used as a data collection tool. Descriptive statistical analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis were used in the analysis of the data. According to the results, manager support has a significant effect on normative commitment and continuance commitment, and co-workers support has a low effect on emotional commitment. Manager's support has a significant effect on organizational commitment, whereas co-worker support do not have a significant effect. Also, manager support has a significant effect on predicting organizational commitment. It is recommended to provide managerial support to employees explicitly to increase the level of organizational commitment of the employees.
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Accepted 2022-11-21
Published 2022-12-31