

With the Covid-19 pandemic, research on remote work, which entered the lives of many employees and employers for the first time and for the first time, has shown a great increase. With this increase, the researches have revealed the need for a systematic review study to be done on this subject. Because it is considered that the information about how the ongoing research on the subject is progressing will be a guide for both field researchers and related professionals. In this direction, the aim of the current research is to make a systematic review of the research on the basis of covid-19 in the field of remote work. The model of the research was determined as a qualitative research method and the data obtained were analyzed by content analysis technique. In our research, 48 research articles reached as a result of searches and filters in the Web of Science database were evaluated. The findings were evaluated according to the criteria of the research model, study group, sample size, analysis techniques and variables used in the academic publications examined. Finally, the findings are discussed on the basis of the literature.


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How to Cite

DURAN, A., & HUSSEİN, N. (2022). ANALYSIS OF ACADEMIC STUDIES ON REMOTE WORKING: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW. Journal of Organizational Behavior Studies, 2(2), 124–134. Retrieved from
Received 2022-11-02
Accepted 2022-12-26
Published 2022-12-31