Organizational Culture in School


  • Münir ŞAHİN Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa University


Culture, Organizational Culture, Corporate Culture, School


Culture includes the values, norms, traditions, and behavioral patterns of how things are done. As each society has distinctive features from the others, culture acts as a plaster that connects the individuals it contains. Organizational culture, as a subculture element compared to the culture of the society, includes information about how things are done in an organization, behavioral patterns, ceremonies and similar activities. A positive and desirable organizational culture is expected to have a motivating, job-satisfying and production-enhancing effect for employees. When it comes to educational institutions, it has a directive effect on the attitudes and behaviors of students, teachers, school administrators, families and other stakeholders who make up the human element of the school. Studies have shown that less teacher mobility is observed in educational institutions with a positive school culture, and students are more successful. In this study, organizational culture in schools as an educational institution was examined in line with the sources in the literature. The study was conducted in scanning type. The importance of school culture has been tried to be revealed by making use of local and foreign sources.


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How to Cite

ŞAHİN, M. (2023). Organizational Culture in School. Journal of Organizational Behavior Studies, 3(1), 73–90. Retrieved from
Received 2022-12-05
Accepted 2023-04-12
Published 2023-06-30