Mobbing in micro businesses: A qualitative research in hairdresser and beauty salons in tokat province
Mobbing, Hairdressers and Beauty Salons, Micro BusinessesAbstract
It is a scientific reality supported by research results that women are exposed to mobbing practices more than male employees. This study was conducted on hairdressers, beauty salons, and micro businesses where women are proportionally dominant. In the study conducted using qualitative research methods, in-depth interviews were conducted with employees working in Hairdressers and Beauty Salons located in the Tokat district center, the causes and consequences of mobbing were determined, and what could be done to prevent it was discussed. The questions prepared from the literature review were directed to 11 master trainer salon operators. Open-ended questions and semi-structured interview techniques were used in the interviews, which were transcribed using the voice recording method. The findings obtained were categorized and presented in tables. As a result of the research, it was determined which terms master trainers defined mobbing, that mobbing was experienced intensely in the hairdresser and beauty sector, that female managers applied mobbing to female employees more, the types and reasons of exposure to mobbing, and that the type of mobbing was used more from top to bottom. At the end of the research, necessary suggestions were made regarding the practices and regulations that should be made to prevent mobbing.
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Accepted 2024-12-10
Published 2024-12-31